Our strike action - and indeed the broader amount of strike and other action being taken at a number of Newsquest centres - has been covered in The Socialist.
Full details can be found at http://www.socialistparty.org.uk/articles/10939/12-01-2011/darlington-newsquest-strikes-continue-to-spread
And in the interests of fairness and balance, here is the Northern Echo story on the strike: http://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/8777096.Journalists____union_action_at_Newsquest_North_East/
Just to be clear, the Northern Echo did not seek any comment from the union for its story. We would have been happy to explain our reasons.
Abysmal lack of punctuation in the Echo story – not to mention balance. It didn’t take long for standards to slip. Just shows what happens when the organ-grinders take a couple of days off.